The NTOI closed Facebook is a private forum where NTOI members and student members from 2nd year NT onwards, can share case studies, ask for advice, and share nutrition articles, latest research, and any relevant NT related information with peers in a secure, confidential, and supportive environment.     

There have been some concerns from members about the disrespectful and dismissive tone of some posts in the past. With this in mind we have drafted up some guidelines which we would respectfully ask you to adhere too when posting on the NTOI closed members FB page.


  • The objective of the NTOI members’ private forum is to allow members to share knowledge in a secure, respectful, confidential, and supportive manner. And to foster a supportive community of likeminded individuals.


  • Please think twice before posting and commenting, to ensure that your comments are in fact supportive, helpful, and informative, and importantly respectful and professional.


  • Please keep posts relevant to Nutritional Therapy related issues and information.


  • Please keep in mind that not all NT’s on the member’s forum might have the same levels of experience. There are newly qualified NT’s, 2nd and 3rd year student NT’s all wanting to contribute at their own level. For more experienced NT’s this is an opportunity to share knowledge.


  • The FB group is moderated and any offensive posts or discussions that get out of hand will be removed. However, as it is operated by volunteers things may occasionally get missed. If you feel you have been unfairly treated and any of the guidelines above violated, please make a formal complaint in writing and email it to [email protected] , ideally adding a screenshot of said thread.


  • NTOI will operate a ‘three strikes and out’ policy with regards to misconduct. Once a formal complaint has been received and assessed; a verbal warning will be issued by an NTOI committee member. If there is a second offence, a written warning will be issued. A third offence will result in immediate removal from the closed Facebook group.


We are proud of our profession and our community of practitioners, let’s keep it a safe, supportive space for us all to continue to grow and strengthen both as individuals and as a community.